
Out of all Pamina’s known paintings, drawings, and sketches, 40% are nudes – inspired by her fascination with the human body when she took up sculpting at age 16.

“One is indeed much affected by the marvellous life spirit that enlivens the many nude studies.”

Gustav Delbanco, Gallerist, 1988

Nudes in Pen and Ink Wash

“Her paintings encompass a variety of styles, one generating another, with a kind of monumentality as a common factor. Her drawings of the nude display both strength and sensibility.”

Barry Fealdman, Art Critic, Jewish Chronicle 1981

Other Nudes

“The sculptor in her could be guessed from the fact that the human body is her main motif – and she conceives it in daring, great rhythms.”

Gustav Delbanco, Gallerist, 1981